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Florida Insurance Blog

How To Choose The Right Deductible For Your Auto Insurance

We understand that selecting the best deductible for your auto insurance can be challenging. That’s why we’re here to help. Choosing the right deductible is one of the most crucial car insurance decisions.

The Role of a Deductible

The deductible is the sum of money you pay out of pocket towards a claim before an insurance company starts to pay for repairs to your damaged vehicle. Moreover, you will pay a deductible every time you file a claim. For example, if your repair cost is $5000 and your deductible is $500, you must pay the $500 first. Subsequently, your insurance company will pay the remaining $4500 of the repair bill.

The higher the deductible, the greater your financial responsibility is when filing an auto insurance claim. However, higher deductibles result in you paying a lower premium on your policy.

Conversely, choosing a lower deductible on your auto insurance policy results in lower out-of-pocket costs when there is a claim after an accident. However, the premium for that coverage is higher.

On auto insurance policies, deductibles are typically only attached to comprehensive, collision, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and personal injury protection coverage.

Some drivers avoid filing claims to dodge the deductible, but this results in them bearing all the repair costs.

Selecting a Deductible: Things to Consider

  • Would you prefer a higher or lower deductible?
  • What is the premium cost for each deductible?
  • How likely are you to file a claim?
  • Consider the value of your vehicle.
  • How much money have you saved up in case you need to file a claim?
  • Are you a risk-taker? The riskier you are, the higher the deductible.

Most people choose a $500 deductible for their car insurance coverage. However, deductibles can begin as low as $250 up to $2500 or more. When choosing a deductible, ensure you can afford to pay the deductible if you need to file a claim.

We Are Your Lifeline

If you’re in Panama City Beach, FL, or the surrounding areas, contact us today at Hall Insurance. We will assist you in choosing the best deductible options, acting as your lifeline and saving you from the stress of making these challenging decisions alone.

What Happens if I’m Sued After Causing a Wreck?

If you’re ever involved in a car accident in Panama City Beach, FL and are pretty sure it was your fault, you will undoubtedly be stressed. If the other driver or pedestrian you hit was seriously injured, then your insurance may be maxed out. What does that mean? It means that the victim may opt to sue you for the remaining costs of their medical bills. So, what exactly happens if you’re sued after causing a wreck?

You Will Be Required to Go to Court

If you’re sued after causing a car wreck, you will be required to go to court. Be sure to inform your insurance company, who will provide an attorney to represent you. If you don’t wish to be represented by the assigned attorney, you can always hire your own. You will go to court, the victim will plead their case, and any possible witnesses will testify.

You May Be Ordered to Pay Additional Money Out of Pocket

You will be allowed to defend yourself and have your own witnesses testify on your behalf if there are any available. Once all testimony has been heard and the judge is ready to make a ruling, you should prepare yourself, as you could be ordered to pay additional money out of pocket. Your insurance company, whether it’s Hall Insurance or another agency, will only pay a certain amount to the victim, according to your plan, and you will be required to pay any excess. 

Hall Insurance Is Here For You

Being sued because of a car accident will undoubtedly cause a great deal of turmoil. However, the right insurance company will provide you with adequate legal counsel who can keep any out-of-pocket costs to a minimum. If you’re in Panama City Beach, FL, we at Hall Insurance would be glad to have you as a client. We treat all our customers with the same stellar service and are ready to extend that same service to you. Contact us today.  

Safe driving tips for new drivers

Safe driving skills are important for new drivers to learn here in the Panama City Beach, FL area, as they set the foundation for how they will operate a vehicle in the future. As such, there are some tips from us at Hall Insurance that all new drivers should keep in mind when they are first getting behind the wheel. 

First and foremost, new drivers should always obey traffic laws and speed limits. This is essential for staying safe on the road and avoiding potential citations or accidents. It’s also important to remain aware of one’s surroundings at all times so that a driver can react quickly if necessary. This includes being mindful of other vehicles and pedestrians, as well as keeping an eye out for animals or other obstacles in the road. 

It’s also important to make sure that your car is properly maintained before getting on the road. New drivers should inspect their tires regularly, be sure to check their brakes and oil levels often and ensure that all fluid levels are topped off when needed. By taking these simple steps, new drivers can help prevent potentially dangerous situations while driving, such as engine failure or tire blowouts. 

Finally, it’s essential for new drivers to practice patience while driving. This can include allowing extra time for stops and turns, leaving room between cars to avoid rear-end collisions and being mindful of aggressive or reckless drivers on the road. 

Reach Out To Us

By following these safe driving tips for new drivers, you can help ensure a smooth transition into becoming a confident driver on the roads! For more tips, give us at Hall Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve the Panama City Beach, FL area.

Quick Auto Insurance Stats and Facts

Curious about auto insurance? Like automobiles, auto insurance is a relatively new concept but has had a huge impact on society. We’ll cover some of the basic stats and facts but if you have any questions, contact Hall Insurance, serving Panama City Beach, FL and other areas nearby.

The Earliest Known Insurance Plans

The oldest known insurance plan in the world was issued in 1347 in Genoa, modern-day Italy. Of course, cars weren’t being insured, but instead maritime shipments.

America’s First Auto Insurance Plan

The first auto insurance plan was offered by Traveler’s Insurance Company in 1897 to Gilbert J. Loomis and was issued in Dayton, Ohio.

Over 200 Million Americans Have Access to Car Insurance

IBISWorld reports that roughly 215 million Americans are covered by car insurance. This represents the bulk of the American adult population. The auto insurance industry is believed to be worth $300 billion.

Nearly 300 Million Cars Are On The Road

It’s estimated that roughly 290 million cars are on the road in the United States. The average age of a car is about 12 years. 

Car Accidents Are Sadly Common

Unfortunately, roughly 6 million car accidents occur each year. Thankfully, many of these accidents won’t result in extensive property damage or serious injuries. “Fender benders” are common. Still, motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States, resulting in more than 35,000 fatalities per year.

New Cars Are Getting More Expensive

As of 2022, a new car costs an average of roughly $48,000. Over the years, many vehicles have gotten bigger and are now packed with more technology than ever before. This has resulted in increasing prices. Used cars have also gotten more expensive over time, costing roughly $30,000, on average, in 2022.

Want to learn more about auto insurance?

Get in touch with Hall Insurance, serving Panama City Beach, FL.

Tips to Help You Stay Safe When Driving on Icy Roads

While it is rare that roads get icy in Florida, you may find yourself traveling out of the state for the holiday season. Many Florida drivers have no idea how to navigate icy roads, and as such, accidents happen. At Hall Insurance, serving the greater Panama City Beach, FL area, we want to help prevent that from happening.

Here are a few tips to help you stay safe when you are driving on icy roads:

Keep Your Driving Speeds Low

Any time you are driving on roads that may have ice on them, you should always drive slower than the posted speed limit. Driving slowly helps you to maintain control of your vehicle in the event that you hit a patch of black ice. 

Ease Off the Gas Without Hitting Your Brakes

If you do hit a patch of ice, one of the worst things that you can do is slam on your brakes. Instead, slowly ease off of the gas, helping your car to come to a stop. If you slam on your brakes when you hit the ice, there is a good chance you may fishtail or slide. 

Have the Right Equipment For the Conditions

Lastly, always ensure you have the right equipment for the conditions. This may mean putting on snow tires, tire cables, or tire chains. Having the right equipment can help prevent your car from sliding on slick or icy surfaces. 

Get Auto Insurance

No matter how safely you drive, there is always a chance of an accident happening. This is why having the right auto insurance is a must. If you are in the greater Panama City Beach, FL area, and are looking for a new auto insurance policy, Hall Insurance can help you. Call us and get a free estimate today. 

Types of Automobile Insurance Coverage in Florida

When you need to buy auto insurance in Florida, you may need information about the different types so that you can know what to ask about when you talk with your insurance salesperson. You can talk to an agent with Hall Insurance serving Panama City Beach, FL to find out how to buy the insurance you need. 

Types of Automobile Insurance Coverage 

Bodily Injury Liability (BI):

This type of insurance is used if there is a serious and permanent injury or death to another person or people and you caused it. 

Property Damage Liability (PD):

This type of insurance would pay for the destruction of property of another person or people if you are legally liable for this damage. The legal requirement for this is $10,000 for any auto insurance policy. 

Personal Injury Protection (PIP): 

This type of insurance is used to pay 80 percent of all medical expenses resulting from an injury caused by an auto accident, regardless of fault. This pays for necessary ambulance services, medical care, surgery, x-rays, dental, and rehabilitation services.  PIP pays 60 percent of work loss.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM): 

This type of insurance is used when the at-fault person does not have Bodily Injury (BI) insurance and not enough liability insurance, and pays for bodily injury, including death. 

Comprehensive or Other than Collision: 

This type of insurance is used to pay for damage to a vehicle from windstorms, theft, fire, flood, vandalism, falling objects, and a collision with an animal. 

Collision Coverage: 

This type of insurance is used to repair your vehicle if it collides with another vehicle, crashes into an object, or flips over, regardless of fault.

You can contact to an agent with Hall Insurance serving Panama City Beach, FL to find out how to buy the insurance you need.

What is the value of having an auto insurance policy in Florida?

Those that are in the Panama City Beach, FL area will want to know that they have a reliable way to get around the community. If you are looking for transportation in this area, owning a car is a good idea. Along with buying a car, you need to get a quality insurance plan. There is a lot of value that comes with having a quality auto insurance policy in this part of Florida.

Coverage Protects Your Car

One of the reasons that people in this part of Florida will always want to have insurance is that it can help to protect their car. If you go out and buy a car, you will want to know that you can use and enjoy it for a long time. A great way to ensure this happens is by getting a full plan with comprehensive coverage. This will give you support if your car is damaged or stolen. 

Comply with Law 

You also will want to have this insurance to comply with the law. Anyone that drives a car in Florida needs to carry auto insurance with liability support. If you do not get this insurance, it could be a violation of state law. This could lead to various forms of penalization. 

It is always a good idea to have a proper auto insurance plan. When you are in the Panama City Beach, FL area, you will want to know that you are picking a policy that is ideal for your situation. As you are looking for coverage in the region, Hall Insurance can help you build an ideal plan. When you do call Hall Insurance, you can learn a lot more about how this coverage can help and then build a policy that will give appropriate coverage. 

Auto Insurance Guide To Help Florida Residents Find Coverage

Hall Insurance offers coverage to Panama City Beach, FL residents. We are committed to helping our clients find policies that align with their lifestyles. We proudly serve the community as an independent agency. We are confident that we can help you find the right coverage to meet life’s demands.

Auto Insurance Guide

Auto insurance helps you stay safe on the road as you travel around the Panama City Beach FL community and beyond. The policy covers you if you collide with another object and damages occur. You are also covered if one of your passengers suffers an injury.

Comprehensive coverage protects you if you are a victim of theft. You are also protected if your car is damaged by a fire or hurricane. Comprehensive coverage will protect you in unpredictable situations. You can add coverage to protect you if your vehicle suffers engine failure, and you need urgent service.

Liability coverage is another important part of your policy. You are covered if you are ruled to be at fault for the damages caused in an accident or if somebody got hurt. This helps protect your assets and prevents you from facing legal action. You should also consider looking into uninsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage will protect you if you are injured or your vehicle is damaged by someone who does not have insurance.

While researching coverage, you have to weigh multiple factors, including the make of your vehicle and how often you plan to drive it. If you plan to customize parts of your vehicle, you’ll have to amend your policy in order to fully cover those parts if they are damaged.

Hall Insurance Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about auto insurance.

Difference Between Liability Options

As a business owner, having liability coverage is not a requirement, but it does come highly recommended. When selecting general liability and professional liability for commercial insurance, it is important to know the difference between the two and if it is right for your Florida business.

General Liability

Outlined to cover the majority of your liability cases, your general liability is directed at protecting when you are sued by a third party such as customers, public patrons, or former employees. There is coverage available for bodily injury, medical expenses, and property damage that may have been caused by your business to their personal property. In essence, general liability focuses on direct physical damage either to the body or property that is owned by someone other than the business. 

Professional Liability

There are some areas that general liability does not cover, and that is damages caused by professional services. Also known as errors and omissions, professional liability is meant to provide protection if you are sued for a different type of damage. Businesses that offer consulting services and accounting fees can be sued if the service provided had errors when they were provided to the client. If that client suffered a financial loss as a result of these errors, and it can be proven, you could be found liable to repay the loss. These errors could be promises that were not fulfilled by your employee, negligence, or other documented errors that had an adverse effect. 

Contact An Agent For The Right Policy

If you are not sure which type of liability insurance your business needs, our agents at Hall Insurance is happy to assist our Panama City Beach, FL business owners. Contact us today to see which policy you qualify for and to get your personalized quote. 

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  • National Flood Services
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  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • United
  • Universal